By 2030, we want to Build the organization up to 30-40 sites which are addressing the 9 Signs of a Transforming Community. This will require us to roughly double our current number of sites and staff. We will also empower our staff and local partners to flourish spiritually and professionally.

We will Strengthen our organization so that our structures and communications systems equip people for the work God has called them to. We hope to increase our funding significantly in order to bolster both our local work and recruiting of new staff. We want to be a thriving organization where people of any cultural and socio-economic background can answer God’s call to love marginalized urban communities.

Finally, we will Bridge our U.S. organization to other emerging national movements committed to addressing urban poverty. By 2030, we desire to develop a truly global organization with several indigenously-led national movements, of which the U.S. movement will be a part. This is the most stretching aspect of our vision, but it recognizes what the Spirit is already doing in other parts of the world.
We now are re-imagining ourselves as a partnership of national movements from around the world, covenanting together to see the Spirit poured out in the transformation of urban poor communities in our own nations, and sending workers out from those communities to nations who have yet to see their own movement of transformation.
Current National Movements

Connecting indigenously-led national movements addressing urban poverty

National Movements
Vision 2030 connects indigenously-led national movements addressing urban poverty by supporting pilot projects and organizational capacity-building. New national movements throughout Latin America, Africa, and Southeast Asia are seeking to catalyze global transformation in urban poor communities—and we have an opportunity to partner with them.
This fund will:
Support prayer, coaching, and mentoring efforts
Support pilot projects and organizational capacity-building for national movements around the world
ETHIOPIA: “We want to understand these communities, the root-causes of their challenges, and the potential of local leadership. Not many organizations are doing this work, so partnering with Servant Partners gave us vision for what God was doing in urban poor communities, and what was possible here.” Read more.
COLOMBIA: The ITC Platform (Platforma Iglesias que Transforman Comunidades) is a partnership between Servant Partners and Colombian organization Fundacion Doulos: a hub of connections, gatherings, and national conferences aiming to catalyze a movement of churches to be agents of transformation across Colombia and Latin America. Read more.

Empowering under-resourced leaders for sustainable urban ministry

Catalyzing Under-Resourced Leaders
Over the next few years, we plan to add many new staff in order to grow Servant Partners ministries in urban poor communities around the world. Many of these staff will be under-resourced, meaning they do not have an extensive network of family and friends who can contribute to their ministry.
We believe a strong network of prayer and financial supporters is crucial to long-term effectiveness in urban poor communities
Through Vision 2030, we empower under-resourced staff and local leaders for sustainable urban ministry by providing training on fundraising, leadership, and emotional and spiritual development. Vision 2030 helps staff overcome cultural, financial, and access barriers to thrive in their respective callings to urban marginalized communities.
This fund will:
Supply resources for under-resourced staff to develop their own networks
Assist local leaders in joining staff
Create access to training on spiritual formation, project leadership, and leadership development
Provide spiritual and emotional support needs for local leaders
Assist with costs related to retreats and fund development

SAN JOSE: “We are from the community, speak the language, understand the culture, and know how to connect with others,” SP staff Annabel Leyva said. “For Servant Partners to believe in and commission local leaders like me—a Latina woman—is huge.” Read more.
EAST LOS ANGELES: “My dream is that more Latinos and people from the city would be able to say: ‘God, I want to follow you. Provide a way for me to do that,'" said Omar Cova, SP East Los Angeles site leader. "The Vision 2030 is one way that God provides, that can stabilize anxieties in people and serve as a stepping stone to whatever God has for them.” Read more.

Encouraging staff with regional community, care, and collaboration

Organizational Capacity-Building
Vision 2030 builds organizational capacity by encouraging staff with regional community, care, and collaboration, and creating pathways for local leaders to form organizational relationships. Regional gatherings in Latin America, the Middle East and North Africa, Asia, and across the United States are shaping the future of Servant Partners.
This fund will:
Assist current and potential staff in connecting in a more personal setting for training and equipping
Create pathways for local leaders to attend regional gatherings
Provide for the gatherings themselves, including staff, transportation, facilities, etc.

LATIN AMERICA: In December 2022, Servant Partners held the first Latin American Regional Gathering with 40 people from 10 different nationalities and seven countries. One of the Colombian participants said: “I came back to Cartagena motivated to continue doing the work of the Lord in the area of local and cross-cultural missions. I’m very grateful to be part of the Servant Partners family in Latin America.” Read more.
MIDDLE EAST & NORTH AFRICA: Poverty is a problem of broken relationships,” said SP North Africa staff Sara Oviedo. “The multicultural identity of our teams communicates the Shalom of God in the places we go. Sometimes, seeing different people get along can leave a greater impact than anything we say. It shows that God can bring differences together.” Read more.
For more information on the Vision 2030 campaign, contact us at